Our Products

Iteracare Personal device

It enhances microcirculation and eliminates water retention.

iTerra Care Pro device

Regulates the body temperature. Improves the immune system. Activates weak and inactive cells.

Iteracare Personal device

It strengthens healthy cells, repairs damage cells, thus Expelling liquefy unhealthy cells.

Very good,for treating cough and colds. Including bacteria and viruses. Especially if you upper and lower respiratory infections. Blow at the nose.
Chronic varicose veins diseases. iTeraCare Pro blows the effect for a week. The most important thing is that there is no need to go to the hospital for surgery.
He has Gall bladder stones. Doctor told him that he has to remove gall bladder. He getting relieve from his pain just after using iTeraCare Pro for 10 minutes.
Syukur Nikmat was chosen by Allah SWT with Blessings and Grace to use the iTeracare tool for therapy for physical and spiritual health. Healthy perform worship routine.



Easy to operate. No professional skill or knowledge needed. Blow on affected and uncomfortable areas.